What are the average scrap motherboard prices today? You’ll find out soon enough if you keep reading this article.

We’ll give you a price quote for this component. In addition to that, you’ll know where to get them, who’ll buy them from you, and more.

Do you want to recycle motherboards for cash near me? If you don’t mind, we’ll start right away.

Motherboard Scrap Prices

The motherboard is the heart of many electronic devices, such as computers, servers, laptops, and other networking equipment. They are composed of precious metals, including gold, copper, nickel, aluminum, and tantalum.

Besides these metals, additional components, such as wires, chips, and memory, are connected to them. Whether or not your motherboard is in excellent shape, it has a high market value.

  • What Do You Know About Scrap Motherboards?

You must know something about scrap motherboards before selling one. A scrap motherboard can be any old or non-functioning printed circuit board.

They typically contain the principal components of a computer or other electronic device. Additionally, they’re rich in precious metals such as gold, nickel, aluminum, and more.

Older motherboards, like the ones used in telecommunication equipment and server cabinets, have a large quantity of gold. Therefore, it makes them more valuable than other boards.

However, newer technology uses fewer precious metals. As such, you can only make a little from such items.

Estimated Circuit Board Scrap Prices

The average price of scrap motherboards is $2.50 per pound. But cellphone motherboards may cost $12 per pound, laptops $4.90, and CD-Rom boards $5.

Small multi-socket server motherboards cost around $3.45; high-grade telecom costs $6.20; backplane expansion boards $3.45; and more.

However, the price of scrap motherboards is determined based on certain key factors.

Its grade, type of device, location, model, and quantity of precious metals. Unfortunately, sorting out these components isn’t very clear based on these factors.

Therefore, getting in touch with local scrapyards and knowing their specific requirements is advisable. That way, the scrap can be sorted out and shipped conveniently.

Places Get Scrap Motherboard

Since the motherboard is the heart of electronic devices, its scrap may be found in computers, laptops, servers, and other networking equipment.

As highlighted above, motherboards have other essential components such as chips, memory, wires, etc. Moreover, the many parts of motherboards are rich in expensive metals such as gold, nickel, silver, and more.

What Makes Scrap Motherboard So Expensive

As highlighted countless times, scrap motherboards are costly because of the materials and labor that go into them.

One of the most expensive types of motherboards is Intel’s. Its chips are manufacturer installed. This means that it can support different types of processors produced by Intel.

Another reason why these electronic parts are costly is because of the design process. Most motherboard companies have a unique design for each model they produce.

Making such an exclusive design often takes time and effort. For that reason, both the new and old motherboards are valuable resources.

Lastly, motherboard manufacturers benefit significantly from high margins on their products. So when selling them as scrap, they have appreciable secondhand value.

Where to Sell Scrap Motherboards

Are you planning to sell motherboards for cash?

There are several places to sell your scrap motherboards. One of the ideal places you can visit is your local scrapyard. Such facilities are in the business of scrap metals.

Therefore, they’ll be highly interested in your item(s). Meanwhile, not every scrapyard will buy your scrap motherboards for several reasons. So you’ll need to make inquiries before contacting one.

Some scrapyards you may sell your motherboard to include Green Resource, Paramount, and California.

Others are Global Material Recycling, Austin, Texas, and Gold Metal Recyclers, Dallas, Texas. Finally, ABS Recyclers Ltd., Carjon, California, may buy your motherboard.

Apart from scrap yards, you can sell your items to gold refineries like Metals Refiners or B.W. Electronics. You can sell them via reputable online platforms if you need more than this option.

We speak of eBay, Craigslist, Freecycle, Facebook Marketplace, Amazon, GPUs, Hardware Swap on Reddit, and more. These platforms feature potential purchasers who can pay a reasonable amount for your scrap.

What to Do Before Selling Your Motherboard

Before contacting a buyer, there are a few things you’ll need to do.

First, you’ll need to sort out your motherboards since they differ. Usually, motherboards that are clean and not broken fetch the most money.

Secondly, separate all materials attached to motherboards. Generally, motherboards do come with batteries. You must remove the battery and other wires connected to it before selling it.

Such items need to be recycled separately as they contain toxic chemicals.

What if I have large quantities of motherboards?

Do you have many motherboards and are wondering what to do with them? Well, don’t worry.

This paragraph will tell you what to do with such devices in bulk. Now, if you have plenty of motherboards to sell, you may arrange for a pickup.

Some buyers may not buy motherboards that are made of fiberglass. That’s because they do not contain precious metals as others. Green motherboards have plenty of precious metals.

As such, they are worth good money.

How Can I Make Money from Scrap Motherboard Apart from Selling It 

If you find it challenging to sell your scrap motherboard, consider recycling it. It’s an excellent way to make money from your scraps while sustaining environmental health.

Many scrap metal recyclers and dealers will be willing to pay handsome cash for your scrap motherboard. That’s because they’ll want to profit from every scrap they purchase.

Recycling motherboards will also reduce the amount of energy consumed in manufacturing new parts from scratch. Additionally, it will reduce our overdependence on virgin raw materials.

Alternatives to Scrap Motherboard 

Are you here to purchase a scrap motherboard to complete a restoration project and find out it’s costly?

Don’t worry; there are a few alternatives to looking for a motherboard that doesn’t require an expensive processor or graphics card.

You can consider going for manufacturer-prebuilt motherboards. They are typically cheaper than buying ones specifically designed for computers.

However, they may need to have the necessary features. Secondly, you can build your motherboard. But this can be more complex than purchasing a prebuilt motherboard.

Nevertheless, you’ll have the chance to customize features that meet your needs.

Scrap motherboards are worth handsome money if you have some to sell. But for those wanting to purchase one, be ready to spend a bit from your pocket.

Because they contain precious metals, they’re highly valued in the market.

Right above you are some of the prices of scrap motherboards. You can use it to determine how much you’ll earn when selling or how much you’ll spend when purchasing.